The main objectives of the organization:
- This organization shall be non-profit oriented and for public welfare.
- To aware community by promoting sustainable development initiatives through social mobilization.
- To play pro-active roles for environment protection, bio-diversity conservation, and its effective management.
- To implement preventive and curative public health services to promote essential health services.
- To assist the community in conducting Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) promotion activities.
- To assist in the operation of Safer Migration related activities.
- To increase awareness and advocacy on rights to development of disadvantaged groups in the areas of conflict transformation, sustainable peace building, human rights, women rights, child rights and social inclusion.
- To support optimum local resource mobilization for community based infrastructure and human development.
- To support socialization and social transformation process through active involvement in the areas of informal and formal education development programmes.
- To empower women, children, secluded caste people, people with disability and indigenous people by their active involvement in the skill development activities and enhance access in service delivery by right based approach.
- To assist community people for community infrastructure development and implementation of related activities effectively.
- To conduct campaign against human trafficking, domestic violence, social imperfection.
- To carry out activities against drug abuse, epidemic, endemic, pandemic disease, infectious diseases like STD, HIV/AIDS, Cancer, as well as for physical, mental and social wellbeing of human life.
- To promote and protect local species of seeds, organic farming and Parma culture farming techniques by modernization and commercialization in agriculture system.
- To assist community for activities related to information technologies and tourism promotion.
- To enhance self-reliance and livelihood of community people by implementing skill development, service-oriented, income generation and employment generation activities.
- To enhance employment and income generation opportunities of disadvantaged people like poor, women, secluded caste and people from deprived sectors by commercialization in agriculture systems.
- To carry out relief and aid related activities during the disaster and natural calamities in coordination with local administration and local levels.
- To carry out study, research and trainings sharing related activities in coordination with government and non-government organization/agencies.
- To participate in different social/community development related activities.